Book Synopsis
"Memories of Time: The Reunion of Gaoyuan and Li Wan" is a novel that depicts the twists of fate and enduring emotions. The story follows the emotional journey of Gaoyuan and Li Wan, telling a love story that transcends time and memory. In an accident, Li Wan loses all memories of Gaoyuan, while Gaoyuan, filled with guilt and determination, strives to find a way to awaken Li Wan's memories. Through Gaoyuan's relentless efforts and Li Wan's gradual recovery of her memories, the novel showcases the deep bond between them and their shared hopes for the future.
An unexpected event causes Li Wan to lose all traces of Gaoyuan from her memory, yet the thread of fate remains unbroken. Gaoyuan's persistence and the deep call from within Li Wan ultimately lead to their reunion of memories, reigniting their emotions. This is a story about love and memory, perseverance and hope, reminding us that true feelings can overcome all obstacles, even time cannot erase them.