Book Synopsis
The story begins on a summer afternoon, recounting the adventures of a six-year-old boy who accidentally crosses into a mysterious world while chasing a cart selling popsicles. In this world, he encounters enormous plants, strange creatures, and even a luxurious villa on a beautiful island with a mysterious female owner.
As the story unfolds, the boy discovers that he is trapped in this alternate realm, and his special ability to grow and shrink has failed him. After experiencing a series of adventures and challenges, he makes new friends, learns survival skills, and gradually adapts to this new environment. However, deep down, he always longs to return home, which becomes his driving force for exploration and adventure.
In the Stone Oven Kingdom, the boy lives with his new friends, participates in local celebrations, and even gets caught up in political intrigues and wars. They face various challenges, including battling a giant Centipede Spirit and exploring the treacherous area known as Death Valley. During their journey, they discover an ancient parchment map that seems to lead to a mysterious place called Illusion Dream Plateau, which may hold clues for returning home.
As they delve deeper into studying the map, they realize that it is not just a map but a key to the fate of all Lilliput. They decide to embark on a quest to find Illusion Dream Plateau, hoping to uncover a way to lift the curse on Lilliput and find their way back home.