Book Synopsis
"The Promise Under the Stars" is a heartwarming modern love story that narrates the gradual transformation of deep friendship into sweet romance between Song Jia and Jiang Xiaoyu. Song Jia, a dedicated teacher with dreams of education, meets the cheerful, sincere, and kind-hearted Jiang Xiaoyu in Wutong Village. Throughout their shared teaching experience, they encounter misunderstandings, conflicts, laughter, and tears, and their feelings for each other unknowingly take root and blossom.
"The Promise Under the Stars" is not just a novel about love; it is also a story about growth, self-discovery, and the brave pursuit of dreams. It reminds us that sometimes, the most genuine love is hidden right beside us, waiting for us to discover and cherish it. In our busy and ordinary lives, we should not forget to look up at the starry sky, where the light we desire most deeply resides.