It is difficult to imagine and achieve extraordinary things, and just as Hu Ruoyun found himself lost in thoughts of "Where should I go? What should I do?" the Village Chief's voice boomed through the loudspeaker at the village office, calling his name: "Hu Ruoyun from the Hu Qihua family in Zhongjie, hurry to the village office to take a call! Teacher Wang says you’ve been accepted into university!"
He believed that Teacher Wang had called, but to say he had been accepted into university was simply laughable! His brother Biao, who scored eighteen points higher than him, hadn’t been admitted; how could he possibly be accepted?
Yet no matter how he thought about it, he had to answer Teacher Wang's call (he had left the village's phone number on his graduation yearbook).
On the other end of the line, Teacher Wang's voice was filled with excitement: "Come to school as soon as possible to collect your acceptance letter; you’ve been admitted to Jiangbei University!"
How could this be possible? With his level of performance, just passing the cutoff line would have been a miracle. Applying for that program was merely a desperate gamble; how could he actually be accepted?
But Teacher Wang insisted: "Is this a joke? Do you want me to ask Principal Zheng to confirm this for you?"
Hu Ruoyun bit his hand; it really hurt!
He decided to go—he had to hurry!
Hu Ruoyun quickly changed his clothes and hopped on his old bicycle, racing toward the school.
At Annan County High School, more than ten students who had been accepted into university were gathered. Tong Caiying was among them; she had been admitted to Jinan Normal University for a major in Mathematics. The program was designated for teacher training, meaning not only did the school waive tuition fees, but she would also receive over thirty yuan a month as living expenses!
For this girl, nearly crushed by poverty, it marked the beginning of her fate’s turnaround and her rebirth.
The group of students who had been accepted gathered in the Office of Academic Affairs. Most were surprised to see Hu Ruoyun standing among them.
He was the last one to receive his acceptance letter. Principal Zheng revealed the mystery to everyone.
Teacher Wang had contacted students from the Provincial Education Committee’s admissions office. After much effort, they secured one of the few special admission spots available in the province for Hu Ruoyun!
Of course, the biggest advantage for being specially admitted was his well-received book, "Humanity's Forbidden Island." Counting across the province, he was the only high school student who had written a book that garnered significant attention during this year’s admissions.
As Hu Ruoyun received the acceptance letter embossed with gold lettering and stamped with Jiangbei University’s bright red seal, he deeply bowed to Principal Zheng and Teacher Wang.
After accepting congratulations from the principal, teachers, and classmates, Hu Ruoyun stepped out of the school gate.
The sun shone brightly; the clouds in the sky were so enchanting, and everyone around him was friendly. The dogtail grass growing by the roadside looked so adorable!
Hu Ruoyun felt an overwhelming urge to share this news with everyone he knew!
Almost as if compelled by fate, he found himself at Gaoqiao Town Post Office. He paid at the counter and received a ticket number. In one of the phone booths, he picked up the receiver and dialed Mao Na's home number.
"Hello?" It was Mao Na's voice.
Hu Ruoyun wanted to speak, but suddenly found herself unable to make a sound. A wave of sorrow washed over her, and large tears streamed down her cheeks.
Perhaps sensing her distress, Mao Na quickly realized who was crying on the other end of the phone. She spoke softly, "What's wrong? Where are you? What happened? I'll come right over!"
That evening at Mao Na's home, Zhang Xiuzhen had prepared a lavish feast, filling the table with an array of dishes. Mao Weiguo brought out two bottles of Moutai that he had treasured for many years. "Tonight, our family won't stop drinking until we're all tipsy!" he declared.
Hu Ruoyun successfully let herself drift off, and in her hazy state, she heard Zhang Xiuzhen say, "Xiao Na, let Hu Ruoyun sleep in your room. You can take the study; that little bed is too narrow for Hu Ruoyun. If she’s not fully awake, she might fall off it during the night."
It seemed that Mao Jie had also had too much to drink, mumbling to his parents, "I told you before that Hu Ruoyun is much stronger than I am. You didn’t believe me... Now do you believe it?"
Mao Weiguo was also tipsy, rambling to his wife, "County Head Jiang is reaching retirement age. If he takes on another deputy position in Ji'an City, he'll officially retire. I thought I had just started as deputy county head and that with Deputy County Head Zhong ahead of me, it wouldn't be possible to move up so quickly.
The minister in charge of organizational work from the city called me specifically to say that 'the higher-ups' want to focus on evaluating me... He also mentioned that during the last trip to Jiangcheng, provincial leaders reviewed the report I submitted and found it quite impressive. They believe I can take on more responsibilities..."
In her dreams, a pair of small hands helped Hu Ruoyun take off her shoes and outer clothing, gently guiding her onto a fragrant and soft bed. Someone even thoughtfully wiped her face with warm water and seemed to caress her cheek before planting a kiss on it.
Now that was a miracle!
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