Hu Ruoyun and Mao Jie each drank three small cups. Mao Jie's uncle wanted them to drink more, but was stopped by Mao Jie's mom, who said, "Let the two of you big men drink. These two are still students; just a little is enough."
Mao Na served Hu Ruoyun some food, saying, "Don't hold back! We should eat and drink! Don't mind my uncle and my dad."
The two men stopped urging Mao Jie and Hu Ruoyun to drink. They took turns pouring each other drinks, and soon the entire bottle of liquor was nearly empty. Mao Jie's father took out another bottle of Yanghe Daqu and said, "Let's have a few more cups!"
After downing more than half a bottle, the two men were clearly getting a bit tipsy. Mao Jie's uncle slurred his words and swayed as he tried to pour Hu Ruoyun more liquor. " Brother Xiao Hu, I thank you!" he exclaimed.
Hu Ruoyun quickly stood up, saying, "Please don't call me that. I'm classmates with Mao Jie; I should call you Uncle..."
Mao Jie's uncle interrupted him, saying, "Let's just stick to our own titles..."
At that moment, Hu Ruoyun realized that this big man in front of him, who looked quite fierce, was actually quite endearing.
Mao Na's mother stood up with a mix of laughter and exasperation, snatching the liquor bottle from her brother's hands. "Alright, let's eat something. No more drinking!"
Mao Jie also stood up to support his swaying uncle. "Uncle, why don't you lie down in my room for a bit?"
Mao Jie's father had a flushed face but still seemed coherent. "Xiao Hu, do you have any idea how many people your article has influenced?"
Hu Ruoyun shook his head in confusion.
Mao Jie's father's next words were shocking: Hu Ruoyun's article titled "Cadres Fierce as Tigers, How Hard Life Is for the People" had actually made it into the internal references of Jiangbei Daily!
Of course, before publishing this piece, the editors had sent reporters to investigate and confirmed that Hu Ruoyun's content was largely accurate.
Why did it make it into internal references but not into Jiangbei Daily? Because such matters were not suitable for public reporting; internal references were only for certain levels of leadership to review internally (this was also why Hu Ruoyun did not receive a sample copy but only a photocopy after publication). Regardless of how significant the issue was, it would not be widely disseminated or sensationalized.
Many phrases in the article had been polished by editors, and they removed much of Hu Ruoyun's overly subjective and sharp language. However, the incident itself was too severe; Wang Hong Bin, the Deputy Governor in charge of rural agricultural work, immediately issued instructions after reading it for Mayor Meng Xiangjun of Jinan City to investigate!
For the farmers in the village, their team leader was incredibly powerful; for the township and county officials, the mayor and vice governor brought immense pressure.
Hu Wei, Chief of Gaoqiao Town Police Station, had originally been part of Zhang Shusen's faction but sensed trouble early on and switched allegiance to Director Wang Zhiguo. There shouldn't have been any issues until he foolishly attempted to handcuff Hu Ruoyun.
Instructor Zhang Maokui (Mao Jie's uncle) stopped him and insisted he consult with Wang Zhiguo first.
According to Mao Jie's uncle, Chief Hu Wei had called Director Wang Zhiguo from the principal's office at Annan County Eight Middle School to report on their cooperation with Annan County's publicity department and government office regarding Gaoqiao Town’s police response. He mentioned that per Vice Mayor Fang's request, they needed to take measures against a student from Annan County Eight Middle School.
In this era, police stations often needed to cooperate with local government work. However, since Zhang Shusen took office, Wang Zhiguo had repeatedly instructed subordinate units to enforce the law according to regulations!
When Wang Zhiguo heard Hu Wei mention that the person involved was a student from Annan County Eight Middle School, an ominous premonition washed over him: please don’t let it be him!
Immediately, inquiries were made regarding the specific circumstances of the police response. What was the name of the person involved?
The incident in Gaoqiao Town had spread throughout the circles and caught the attention of the Provincial Newspaper's internal references, as well as provincial leaders. The county held several expanded meetings regarding this matter, but no resolution had been reached yet. It was said that opinions were divided into two camps.
The opinion led by the head of the publicity department was that, as the supervising body for publicity, they would adopt a "zero tolerance" policy towards Hu Ruoyun's behavior, which was deemed "disorganized and undisciplined," tarnishing their hometown's reputation. They planned to report an investigation claiming that the "report was untrue" to Jinan City and Jiangbei Province, and involve the police to deal with the individual severely under the pretext of "disturbing social order."
On the other side, Deputy County Head Zhong argued that wrongdoings should be corrected and those responsible dealt with according to regulations. They insisted that those who exposed errors should not be suppressed as a means of resolving issues.
As a leading figure, the stance of the publicity department was quite appealing, but no one dared to risk their political life on such a gamble. The Vice Governor had already issued directives; while fabricating information might be easy, the consequences of being exposed could be severe, and when punishment came down, it would likely affect everyone involved.
However, if they were to "correct" the situation in Gaoqiao Town, it would mean admitting that their previous decision was wrong. In some people's eyes, maintaining face might be more important than anything else.
When Wang Zhiguo heard Hu Ruoyun's name, he was immediately infuriated by Hu Wei's reckless and principle-less behavior: decisions had not yet been finalized at a higher level, yet he jumped out to make arrests—was he out of his mind? This was nothing but foolishness combined with brute force! Regardless of how the incident concluded, his police department would never take the lead! Hu Wei's rashness put him in a precarious position!
Moreover, what grounds did he have to make arrests? Such conduct was no different from Zhang Shusen's!
He promptly called Hu Wei to sternly halt his dangerous actions while also forming an unfavorable opinion about this station chief.
Later on, Mayor Meng Xiangjun of Jinan City dispatched an investigation team to look into the events reported by Hu Ruoyun.
Things quickly became clear: the county issued a strict order for Gaoqiao Town to immediately cease its erroneous commercial street renovation! The discipline and inspection departments also intervened in the investigation!
Ultimately, Gaoqiao Town Mayor Zuo Daming was reassigned to Xipo Store Township in Annan County as a cultural station director, while the Secretary was moved to serve as a deputy director in the county Irrigation Bureau... Essentially, both men were halted at the level of deputy department head.
Additionally, Vice Mayor Fang was also affected by this incident and relieved of his duties, being transferred to another township as a civil affairs assistant.
As for the County Public Security Bureau, Director Wang Zhiguo proposed that after discussions among bureau leadership, Hu Wei from Gaoqiao Town Police Station be dismissed from his position. Hu Wei was later reassigned to serve as a deputy team leader in the county salt industry inspection team.
Where there were losses for some, there were gains for others; Mao Jie's father Mao Weiguo and his uncle Zhang Maokui inadvertently became the biggest winners!
With the former station chief reassigned, Instructor Zhang Maokui from Gaoqiao Town Police Station was appointed as the new chief!
Former Gaoqiao Town Deputy Mayor Chung Mao Comrade Weiguo was appointed as acting mayor (in charge of work), pending formal approval from the People's Congress.
Regardless of whether Hu Ruoyun acted intentionally or inadvertently, both Mao Weiguo and Zhang Maokui benefited from him. Coupled with Mao Jie’s increasingly good relationship with Hu Ruoyun, this led to today’s banquet.
Although the article was published internally, news still spread.
Third Aunt’s family made a special trip to Laogu Township’s Hu Family Village and brought back many tokens of appreciation from neighbors at the market—fruit candies, several bottles of liquor, and some packs of Da Qianmen... Thanks to an article written by their nephew that changed their family’s and many others' circumstances in the market, honest Uncle could finally hold his head high and had even been appointed as a village group leader.
Er Niu also specifically called Si Bao over; they whispered for half a day before riding on their bike to bring Hu Ruoyun home for a meal featuring an old hen that is only slaughtered for honored guests.
At the dining table, not only was Er Niu's father present, but even his uncle was there, raising a toast to them... The scene was so grand that it made this young boy feel both awkward and exhilarated.
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