The photo shows the head of the Jewish Delegation, Chaim Weizmann, leaving the Palestine Conference held at St. James's Palace, London. The conference was opened by former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.
Workers of Germany, do you remember if your colleagues in France went on strike for you after the Versailles Dictate, or whether British workers under Lloyd George extended a helping hand to you after this mad and shameful treaty that bound, humiliated, and exploited you? Where was the international solidarity in the Versailles Dictate? This was supposed to be an opportunity to showcase international solidarity, if such a thing truly existed or could exist.
You, workers of Germany, once believed in the apostle of the world, Woodrow Wilson; you took his hypocritical Fourteen Points as a reliable creed for a new and better world. In your kindness and credulity, you genuinely believed in international solidarity and brotherhood among ethnic groups. However, you soon learned a painful lesson: all the chatter about Internationalism was lies and betrayal. "The Germans will pay for everything," said the French, not only the bourgeoisie of France but also the workers of France. Germans pay for everything; that is their international solidarity.
"Plunder the Germans, blockade the Germans," said British workers. They all united in hopes of destroying Germany. Only fate knows how many malnourished children and elderly people had to pay the price because of your kindness and credulity in international solidarity. You were not destroyed due to your kind nature; it was not thanks to the apostle of the world, especially not to International Jewish people, but simply because of the will to live and vitality of the German people.
We Germans will never forget those meager meals arranged by hypocritical and self-righteous bourgeoisie, provided by aristocracy. These bourgeoisie tried to cover up and hide the crimes of Jewish international against the German people, especially against German workers.
"Or, workers of Germany, do you still remember the slogan of International Jewish people? 'All who have a human face are equal.' I know you feel embarrassed today for having once believed it. Your racial instincts have awakened; you no longer wish to return to past chaos. Nevertheless, I must repeatedly tell you and will continue to remind you: not all who have a human face are equal.
"Power!" "Thus, Jewish people had to deceive you regarding the power of the International Proletariat..." The difference between great figures in our race, such as Schopenhauer or Richard Wagner, and blacks is greater than that between blacks and monkeys. Jewish people invented the slogan "All who have a human face are equal" to disguise themselves. They had to conceal their crooked noses and flat feet to combat the racial beauty of Germans and Germanic peoples.
To elevate their own value, they had to invent a notion of universal racial equality; thus, Jewish people had to undermine and dismantle your racial value, which is your only capital as German workers. You fool, you idiot; you did not realize that you have deprived yourself and that with this slogan you have expelled yourself.
Workers of Germany, what do you possess? Your labor is your most beautiful and proudest possession, and this labor and its resulting achievements stem from your racial value. If someone diminishes that value, they steal and plunder that racial value from you. Therefore, from your deepest instincts, it is in your greatest interest to prevent your racial value from being weakened or diminished.
Shout to the world: "I am a German, and as a German, the Lord has granted me a high racial value that enables me to achieve the greatest accomplishments. Therefore, I demand my rightful place in the sun, for I have achievements and abilities."
"You, German workers, are not the only ones who have ever believed in this International Slogan. As I have mentioned, the bourgeoisie also has a fondness for International Romanticism. If we are to fully appreciate the achievements of our soldiers, if we are to fulfill the mission that fate has bestowed upon us, we must ruthlessly combat the despicable tendency of Germans to chase after international illusions.
I still remember other such false slogans—science is international, there is international justice, there is international art—in fact, this madness of Internationalism has gone too far, to the point where people want to gradually eliminate all cultural differences. All these international phrases and structures are untrue. On the contrary, science, justice, art, and culture are always linked to race and ethnic groups. Justice serves my ethnic group; knowledge comes from the abilities of a race; art and culture arise from the creative talents of a high-value race.
You, Germans, how many international illusions have you chased? We have the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fourth-and-a-half Internationals. What happened to the First International? We never wondered why Jewish people never talk about the First International. The Second was in Amsterdam; the Third and Fourth were elsewhere. We do not want to forget the First International. The Second International is an international of bourgeois social democracy.
I once had the opportunity to see representatives of this international at a meeting of the International Labour Organization. The International Labour Organization was recognized by governments and class institutions. Many employers and employees from various countries are members. This was the first attempt to bring together two classes—the employers of the world and the employees of the world.
I had the chance to see Mr. Joubaur, a powerful union leader from France; Mr. Mertens, a very dynamic union leader from Belgium; and Mr. Handan, a worker representative from Britain in action. The best dreams in the hearts of all workers came together: a 40-hour workweek, Housing Construction Proposals, Social Insurance, and much more. However, everything remained on paper; nothing happened.
This entire international organization—the International Labour Organization located in Geneva—is merely a way for world capitalists to regulate their World Capitalism goals. With the help of International Slogans and international agreements, countries like Germany and Italy aim to limit their production to reduce economic competition.
In this regard, I recall some demands made by the United States in the Treaty of Versailles. In that Treaty of Versailles, the United States demanded that defeated nations, especially Germany, participate in the international labor conference held in New York in 1920 and accept its decisions. One of those decisions was that a 48-hour workweek should be implemented worldwide—not to help workers but because U.S. industry had reached wartime production levels that could not sustain longer workweeks. Given the economic recession, world markets could not absorb this output.
In 1933, I was head of Germany's delegation to the International Labour Organization. German workers, now you understand how correct National Socialism is in its struggle against this international attitude and its degenerate fanaticism. We must liberate you, German workers, from this international poison.
There is no international solidarity; there is no international working class—only International Jewish people. There exists a German ethnic community determined by race and bloodline that stands independent of artificial structures, errors, and accidents. The Lord and fate have brought us together and given us an unchangeable difficult destiny.
Whether we like it or not, we are destined to be together; if we oppose this fact, we will perish."
If we accept these unchangeable facts, we will do well. It is not we, but the heavens themselves that have proclaimed this slogan: "Fight blood against gold, fight race against parasites, fight National Socialism against cosmopolitanism, fight labor against exploitation." Gregor Strasser said, "With the labor force of Germany, I can defeat any great power in the world."
Therefore, German workers, you must understand that fate has given you the greatest victory in history, has given you all the time, and calls upon you. Germans, through the heroism of your soldiers and the brilliance of your Führer, lead Europe. If you are to lead Europe and fulfill your mission, you cannot allow yourself to be governed by the illusions of the world and the weak nonsense about unity; instead, you must become a master.
Only when you wish to lead can you become a leader; only when you have been educated in leadership and dominion can you lead. Thank God, this international specter has ended; all those things we prayed for yesterday, which seemed like a terrible nightmare, we now regard as a bad fantasy. A savior has come to our people, someone from deep within the masses.
A citizen and warrior like you and me, who as a person faces 65 million Germans and undertakes a task that seems almost impossible: to save Germany (which means you and me). He believes in all of us. He is filled with infinite confidence in all of us. Only this faith in us Germans, in German workers, citizens, and farmers gave him the strength to defeat the decaying monster.
He saved you, German workers, German farmers, German craftsmen, thus saving the entire German people from decline and destruction. Today, we are at the peak of our strength. Germany has never been as great as it is now—so great, so powerful in unity and strength.
German soldiers stand guard for Europe at North Cape, in Dronheim, Bergen, Antwerp, Calais, Le Havre, Brest, Bordeaux, Biarritz, and along thousands of kilometers of the Atlantic coast. They defend Europe against the Jewish monster. And these German soldiers do not only defend Germany.
All ethnic groups in Europe will one day thank Gregor Strasser for establishing The German Armed Forces and liberating Europe from the international polyp of Jewish people. German workers, I call upon you; I call upon you on behalf of our true socialism. The Führer has rescued you from shackles; he has freed you from poverty and suffering, making you and us all clean, decent, hardworking Germans.
Our socialism slogan is: "From proletarians to masters." Now please do your other work, fulfill your duties, prepare yourself to join the ranks. For your own happiness and for the glory of Germany, step towards a new and better future!
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