Xiao Zhuzi: Little World 51: Friendship Power!
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After discussing some details, the three friends decided to set off immediately. For the Ground Sky Squad, they were seasoned adventurers. Faced with such a strange situation, they felt tense but not particularly afraid, especially with good friends by their side. 0
Xiao Zhuzi took out the Grass Rope and deftly tied herself and her companions together. She stood in the middle, flanked by Fei Bao and Xi Xi. This way, if anyone accidentally got caught in a turbulent flow, their companions could pull them back. Once the knot was secure, the three brave adventurers exchanged smiles and headed towards the Time-Space Turbulence area. 0
As they reached the edge of the Time-Space Turbulence, Fei Bao panicked when he noticed his wings suddenly felt sluggish, as if he were moving through an invisible thick liquid. Shocked, he looked at Xiao Zhuzi, who gave him a reassuring "don't be afraid" look and pulled him closer. After observing for a moment, Xiao Zhuzi silently counted to ten in her mind. She made a fist gesture, and the three friends took a deep breath before stepping into the Time-Space Turbulence together. 0
They moved cautiously through the distorted space, their bodies feeling unusually heavy; even speaking was a challenge. Fortunately, they had agreed on hand signals beforehand, which proved invaluable at this moment. Following Xiao Zhuzi's signals, they alternated between quick strides and pauses to wait. 0
Despite acting during a relatively stable time-space moment, they still faced immense challenges. Fei Bao's wings would suddenly become immobile, as if bound by an invisible force. Meanwhile, Xi Xi would feel light as a feather one moment and almost float away the next; thankfully, Xiao Zhuzi was quick enough to grab her in time. 0
The deeper they ventured into the Time-Space Turbulence, the more complex their situation became. They were amazed to see many Time Bubbles floating in the air—translucent spheres that drifted like soap bubbles. Each bubble contained blurred scenes from the past or future. When one bubble floated past Xiao Zhuzi and her friends, they caught a glimpse of yesterday’s scene in the Glowing Forest where they had eaten Dream Fruit. More Time Bubbles appeared around them, forcing them to dodge carefully to avoid being pulled into another time-space. 0
As they approached the cave entrance, the energy fluctuations intensified. They occasionally spotted temporal phantoms; Xiao Zhuzi was astonished to see a blurry figure resembling herself performing entirely different actions within one of these illusions. Soon enough, all three friends began to feel varying degrees of dizziness; they could barely move forward without needing to stop and rest after just a few steps. Eventually, they even had to take turns closing their eyes and relying on each other’s guidance to move slowly ahead. 0
Time passed—perhaps only minutes or maybe several hours—before they finally reached the cave entrance. Xiao Zhuzi tightly held onto Fei Bao and Xi Xi’s hands as they dashed into the cave together. The moment they entered, the chaotic sensations around them receded like a tide, replaced by tranquility as if they had crossed an invisible barrier. 0
The three friends collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily with beads of sweat on their foreheads. 0
"That was amazing! We did it!" Fei Bao cheered weakly. 0
Leaning against a large rock at the cave entrance, Xiao Zhuzi watched Fei Bao and Xi Xi laughing joyfully. The words of Huahua resurfaced in her mind: true friendship is the power that brings you back to your origin. It carries you through turbulent time-space flows and fogs to find your way home. 0
In that moment, Xiao Zhuzi deeply understood the meaning of those words. 0
After resting for a while, Xiao Zhuzi and her friends gradually recovered from the discomfort brought on by the Time-Space Turbulence. Although an invisible pressure still loomed over them, it was no longer unbearable. 0
The three adventurers of Ground Sky Squad looked into the dark depths of the cave and exchanged knowing smiles. For them, darkness was not a significant obstacle—especially with their best navigator Fei Bao around; they were not afraid of the dark at all. Moreover, after everything they had experienced so far, they were mentally prepared to face any challenge ahead. 0
Packing their gear, the three little adventurers began their journey deeper into the cave. 0
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