Wang Yun held Yuan Shao's secret letter, troubled for days and unable to sleep at night. He was well aware of Dong Zhuo's brutality and suspicion; if he acted carelessly, it would bring disaster to the court and the common people. Yet, how could he stand by and watch the Han Dynasty fall into Dong Zhuo's hands?
One day, while at Shiban Pavilion, Wang Yun unexpectedly encountered several old ministers. Seeing these weathered officials with worried expressions filled him with a mix of sadness and anger. He smiled faintly and clasped his hands in greeting, saying, "Today is my birthday. I dare not impose on you all, but I would like to invite you to my humble abode for a few cups of light wine."
The ministers were slightly taken aback but responded in unison, "We shall certainly attend to celebrate Sima Da Ren's birthday."
As night fell, Wang Yun's residence was adorned with lights and decorations. A banquet had already been prepared in the back hall to welcome the ministers. Once all the guests were seated and several rounds of wine had been served, Wang Yun suddenly turned somber, covering his face as tears streamed down his beard. The guests were taken aback.
"Sima Da Ren, what does this mean?" an elder minister asked in confusion. "Today is your joyous day; why do you suddenly weep?"
Wang Yun slowly raised his head, tears glistening in his eyes as he spoke in a low and pained voice: "Gentlemen, I must not hide it from you; today is not my birthday. I invited you all under the pretense of a feast to avoid arousing Dong Zhuo's suspicion." He tightened his grip on the wine cup, his tone growing passionate. "Since Gao Huangdi unified the realm, how many loyal ministers and valiant generals have sacrificed themselves for our Han Dynasty? Yet now, our state is thrown into chaos by Dong Zhuo alone! He deposes emperors and installs kings, killing indiscriminately while heaven and earth rage against him, leaving the common people in despair! What grieves me is that we, as court officials, are powerless to act and can only watch as the Han Dynasty plunges into the abyss!"
Before Wang Yun could finish speaking, many in attendance could no longer hold back their tears and sighed heavily. However, amidst this sorrowful atmosphere, a sudden loud laugh pierced through.
The crowd turned to see a man leaning casually against the table, his eyes sharp and cold—it was Xiaoqi Xiaowei Cao Cao. He clapped his hands in laughter, sarcasm lacing his words: "Such esteemed ministers of the court can only wash their faces with tears. Gentlemen, even if you cry all night until dawn or weep from dawn until nightfall, do you think that will kill Dong Zhuo?"
Wang Yun's expression changed dramatically as he shouted angrily: "Cao Mengde! Your ancestors benefited from the Han for many years; instead of repaying that kindness, you dare mock us here?"
Cao Cao smiled slightly, his tone calm yet sharp: "Yun Gong, I am not laughing at anything else; I laugh at how you all know only sorrow yet none can raise a hand to slay the thief! Dong Zhuo wields immense power; if we do not behead him publicly, how can our nation continue?"
Wang Yun fixed his gaze on him and tentatively asked: "Mengde, what clever plan do you have?"
Cao Cao's expression hardened as he sat up straight and whispered: "I have recently chosen to submit to Dong Zhuo only to seek an opportunity to assassinate him. Currently, he trusts me quite a bit; I can approach him and take his life when he is off guard! I have heard that there is a Seven Star Treasure Blade in the Minister's residence that is incredibly sharp. If I could borrow it for this task, I would have no complaints about exchanging my life for one strike!"
Upon hearing this, Wang Yun stood up excitedly, his eyes filled with gratitude: "Mengde truly has such resolve; the Han Dynasty is saved!" He immediately ordered someone to fetch the treasured blade and handed it over to Cao Cao with both hands. "Once this blade is in your hands, it represents the lives of countless people entrusted to you. May Mengde succeed and be remembered through the ages!"
Cao Cao accepted the blade solemnly and knelt down to pledge: "If I can kill Dong Zhuo, I will have no regrets even if I die! If I fail, may my life be offered to heaven!" He drew the blade from its sheath; its cold gleam reflected on his face like a sharp ice edge cutting through darkness.
Wang Yun personally filled Cao Cao's cup with wine. Cao Cao drank it all in one gulp and declared loudly: "Tonight's parting may lead us down two paths of life or death. Gentlemen, if you see the light of day again, be sure to protect our land!"
With that, Cao Cao stood up, adjusted his attire, concealed his blade, and strode away without looking back. His silhouette vanished into the night, the gleam of the sword flickering like a sliver of light tearing through the darkness.
The next morning, Cao Cao donned the Seven Star Treasure Blade and stepped into Prime Minister's Residence. The morning sun bathed the courtyard in golden hues, with a thin mist lingering, enveloping everything in a soft glow. Cao Cao walked steadily, his gaze as sharp as a blade. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand to push open the door. A servant approached and whispered, "The Prime Minister is resting in the cabinet."
Cao Cao nodded slightly and replied in a deep voice, "No need to announce me; I will enter on my own." His tone was calm as he continued through the courtyard straight to the cabinet. Each step felt as if he were treading on his own heartbeat, ready to explode at any moment.
Upon entering, Dong Zhuo was reclining on a large intricately carved bed, idly playing with a translucent jade pendant, his gaze languid and relaxed. Lü Bu stood beside him like an iron tower, casting a cold glance at Cao Cao that held both disdain and vigilance. Seeing Cao Cao enter, Dong Zhuo raised an eyebrow and chuckled heartily, "Mengde, why have you come so late? You’ve kept me waiting!"
Cao Cao immediately bowed his head and clasped his hands respectfully. "Prime Minister, forgive me; the roads were muddy, and my steed moved slowly, causing a delay."
Dong Zhuo waved his hand dismissively with a grin. "It's nothing; just a small matter." He turned to Lü Bu with an affectionate tone. "Fengxian, I had several fine horses brought from Xiliang yesterday. Go choose one for Mengde as a reward."
Lü Bu raised an eyebrow and replied coldly, "Understood." His gaze lingered on Cao Cao as if issuing a warning before he turned to leave. The door slammed shut behind him, echoing in the room until only Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao remained.
Cao Cao stood still with his head bowed while turmoil surged within him. He thought to himself, "Now that Lü Bu has left, this is my chance. If I hesitate any longer, it could lead to endless troubles!" His hand slowly reached into his robe and grasped the hilt of the Seven Star Treasure Blade. A chill ran through his fingertips straight to his heart as beads of sweat silently trickled down his forehead.
Dong Zhuo shifted slightly as if sensing something. He looked up at Cao Cao but then impatiently turned away again, flopping back down with his back to Cao Cao and lazily grumbling, "This bed is getting more uncomfortable; I can't even lie down properly!" His voice carried a hint of complaint but was utterly unguarded.
"Now's my chance!" Cao Cao roared inwardly as he pulled the blade half an inch from its sheath, its edge glinting coldly like a long-hidden viper.
He slowly drew the sword further out, his fingertips trembling as the cold light danced in the candlelight. Just as the blade was about to descend, Dong Zhuo suddenly rolled over and glanced at the bronze mirror by the bedside. The mirror reflected everything behind him—Cao Cao gripping the sword with its tip gleaming menacingly aimed at his back.
"Mengde!" Dong Zhuo bellowed like thunder, "What are you doing?" Before he could finish speaking, he had already sat up with fury and shock flashing in his eyes.
Lü Bu led an exceptionally magnificent steed into the courtyard outside, its coat shining with oil and its presence commanding. It stood tall with its head held high, eyes fierce as if awaiting its new master’s favor.
Hearing the commotion outside, Cao Cao's heart raced. He quickly suppressed his fear and unease, drew out the treasured blade from his sleeve, turned around to kneel on one knee, and respectfully raised the sword high with both hands. "Cao has brought this treasured blade to present to the Prime Minister as a token of respect."
Dong Zhuo's gaze was drawn to the cold gleam of the blade as he reached out to take it, examining it closely. The sword was about a foot long, its scabbard adorned with seven treasures, exuding a deadly sharpness amidst its splendor. Dong Zhuo caressed the blade, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "Indeed, this is a fine sword. Mengde is truly thoughtful!"
Standing nearby, Lü Bu narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, "This sword is incredibly sharp; it seems more suited for taking lives." Though his tone was calm, there was an underlying warning in his words.
Cao Cao looked up, feigning a look of trepidation as he hurriedly replied, "Though this sword is sharp, how could I dare to use it for evil! I brought it here solely to present it as a token of loyalty."
Dong Zhuo did not respond immediately but handed the sword to Lü Bu, gesturing for him to inspect it. Lü Bu drew the blade from its scabbard; the sharp edge glinted in the sunlight, blinding him momentarily. He snorted softly and sheathed the sword again, remaining silent.
"Enough of this, Lü Bu. Do not be overly suspicious," Dong Zhuo said with a faint smile as he returned the sword to Cao Cao. He then shifted his tone. "Since Mengde is so sincere, let us go out and take a look at this Western Liang Steed."
Dong Zhuo led Cao Cao to the horse and casually patted its mane, pride evident in his voice. "This horse has astonishing endurance; traveling a thousand miles in a day is no problem at all. If Mengde finds it suitable, you might as well take it for a ride."
Cao Cao quickly clasped his hands in gratitude. "Prime Minister's kindness is overwhelming; how could I dare to disappoint!" With that, he swiftly took the saddle and bridle, leading the horse out of the gate while secretly gauging Dong Zhuo's reaction.
Dong Zhuo stood still, watching as Cao Cao mounted the horse. He quietly instructed Lü Bu, "Keep an eye on him; if he makes any unusual moves, capture him immediately."
Once seated, Cao Cao cracked the whip, and the sound of hooves echoed through the street. He urged the horse into a gallop, thinking to himself, "This place is not safe; if I linger any longer, my life may be at stake!" Dust kicked up beneath the hooves as the wind howled past his ears; gritting his teeth, he raced toward the city gates.
Lü Bu watched Cao Cao disappear into the distance, his brow furrowing tighter until he finally turned to Dong Zhuo and whispered, "This man’s actions today are suspicious. Earlier in the hall, his behavior was odd; he may have intended to assassinate you but was exposed and now uses this sword gift as a means of escape."
Dong Zhuo narrowed his eyes and coldly snorted. "I too have noticed some signs." His gaze followed Cao Cao's retreating figure, an icy chill enveloping him.
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